Sunday, November 14, 2010

Licenses For New Inventions

New inventions in almost every field are pretty common these days. With the increase in intelligent and more radical approach to life a lot of people are turning their ideas into successful businesses. The process of inventing a product and its successful implementation is not as easy as it seems.

Whenever a person gets an idea for an invention, the first step that needs to be taken is to apply for a patent for that particular product. Technically it is called as licensing patent rights but is more commonly known as licensing the invention. The inventor has the option of completing all the procedures himself or to take advantage of professional invention licensing companies. The inventor can license the patent right to a particular manufacturer and then collect royalty. The United States patent office grants thousands of patent licenses every year for different inventions.

It is essential to consult an experienced lawyer before signing any license agreement. The license agreement includes provisions for upfront payments, royalty percentages and other infringement issues. Inventors can either give an exclusive license to a single party or a non-exclusive license to more than one party. Its then essential to make a list of potential manufacturers by visiting product related tradeshows, local stores, libraries and reference magazines. Certain online manufacturer databases can also be used to find an appropriate company.

A professionally written, brief marketing letter needs to be sent to each company for their approval. The letter should have information regarding the selling or licensing of patent rights of the invention to the manufacturer company. It is also advisable to attach a professional looking colored brochure of the product, along with the marketing letter to make a good impression. A specific website can also be designed for providing more information about the product and its inventor, which gives a professional appearance to the project. This will surely increase the chances of success for the product.

Thus, it is essential for the inventor to take great care to safeguard his interests and follow all legal and professional measures.

New Inventions provides detailed information on New Inventions, Gadgets and New Inventions, New Computer Inventions, New Medical Inventions and more. New Inventions is affiliated with African American Inventors [].

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